American Graffiti in 1:25 (& 1:24) Scale
Mel's Drive In
Mel's Drive In – The original in San Francisco
Above – The original Mel's, where American Graffiti was filmed, was opened in 1947 by Mel Weiss and Harold Dobbs. This picture was taken in about 1953, judging by the shiny new Dodge with the dealer plate (Below).
Mel's Drive In – The original San Francisco location during filming
Above – Mel's parking lot and a good shot of the big sign (and George Lucas).
Above – Is this Mel's parking lot? It looks like Curt's 2CV and phone booth in the background (See Below). What is the arrow on the roof of the building above? Part of a sign?
Mel's Drive In – The interior during shooting
Mel's Drive In – A 1:64 scale model
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