When our Indiana Large Scale Railroaders Event Chairman asked if Judy and I would do a club open house in 2017, we pleaded for more time to get ready, so he put us on the 2018 schedule. We selected Saturday September 29, 2018 and decided to move the usual 2 to 4 pm open house time back to 6 to 8 pm so that the lighted buildings could be enjoyed. With more than a year to prepare, it should have been a pushover to have it all ready – right? Well, not with my blatant optimism. I carved out enough projects to keep me busy for two lifetimes. Fortunately, the projects concerning running trains and lighting buildings did get finished. Others did not.

Above – Last minute testing of the new radio controlled switch engine before the crowd arrives.

Above – This is the place! (Thanks, Jeff.)

Above – Members began to arrive and were immediately regaled with tales of the kitbashed Frankfort Flyer Express and the new RC switch engine. Nobody asked about the steam powered yard light tower. It was the only all-new item that was completed in record time!

Above- The radio controlled, battery powered switcher was a pleasure to run. The electronics are Deltang UK control unit and MyLocoSound board. Both were highly regarded by the gathered crowd.

Above – The Frankfort Flyer is pulled by a detailed Kalamazoo 4-4-0, one of the first USA made G Scale locomotives. The passenger cars are also Kalamazoo – highly modified and repainted to match the locomotive. The baggage car has scratch built sides since Kalamazoo only made a baggage/passenger combine car. The coaches have a full passenger complement and Lithium Ion batteries. The lights can be turned on with a magnet from outside the car.

Above – The guests are arriving; our granddaughter was a great helper getting all the citizens of Frankfort in place!

Above – Bustling downtown Frankfort. The street lights are actually O scale Lionel lights with a custom base to keep to bottom side exposed electricals dry.

Above – Our grandchildren acting like grandchildren. Judy laid on a significant repast for the guests, including the ever popular hot apple cider for a cool evening.

Above – Judy points the way.

Above – Woody chops while his helper doesn’t….

Above – Frankfort back alley.

Above – An impromptu club meeting while the local pulls ahead of the Frankfort Power & Light Amalgamated Industries (more famously known as the RBRBB – Really Big Red Brick Building) siding to make a drop off. The RBRBB houses all the electronicals for the layout and was scratch built using acrylic sheets for the structure and Houseworks 1:24 scale plastic brick sheets for the exterior. The windows were 3D printed.

Above – The little guy watched me derail a couple times while I was chatting too much in the middle of switching moves so he turned to the big guy, his Dad, and his Grandpa behind him, and commented that the train needed a better driver. So I gave him the transmitter and he was a great engineer. His Dad commented that the little guy was an accomplished radio control car driver. Clearly!

Above – The Frankfort Flyer pulls into the station.

Above – Night descends on the farm.

Above – The local makes the final RC run for the evening, C&O 6 chime whistle blaring!